Monday, August 19, 2013

Dragon Fantasy Book II Has a Release Date - And There Was Much Rejoicing

Thanks to the announcement of the new Vita Summer Select at the Playstation Blog, we now have a release date and pricing information about the upcoming Dragon Fantasy Book II.  On September 10th, we'll all finally be able to get the sequel to the fabulous Dragon Fantasy Book I that I adored, even though I never got around to reviewing it properly to say as much, for the price of $14.99 or, if you're a Playstation Plus Member (because you should be) then it'll be $11.99.  If I'm not mistaken, the original was under the same sort of discount deal, so this is all sorts of wonderful going on here.  It's only for the launch week, however, so you'll want to grab it ASAP because it's going to be so good, you guys.

To be honest, Dragon Fantasy is basically going through my childhood and making everything wonderful again.  Book I took after Dragon Warrior which was pretty much -the- RPG I played on the NES, and Book II is taking after Chrono Trigger which I talk about a lot and might just be my favorite RPG of all time.  The same 16-bit art style, the same on-map battles (meaning no random encounters), Area of Effect attacks and so on, they're all included in Book II which makes it really tantalizing to -me- at least, but you should definitely be interested in it yourself as well.  Book I proved that it can be a capable, enjoyable RPG, but Book II might just end up being a proper evolution into something great, and that's definitely why I'm looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, my brain is not cooperating with me tonight as I've had a headache for several hours, so I'm not going to be very wordy.  I just wanted to bring up Book II's release date and price and convey that I am quite excited for it.  Because I am.  And I'm going to buy it.  Perhaps even review it.  And the original.  Hopefully.

nothing wrong with shorter posts every now and then, or at least that's what I keep telling myself

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